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The King and the Coquette Page 7
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Page 7
My breath quickened with the steep upward climb as we approached the cottage, adrenaline rushing through me as I listened for any signs of life around us. Bar the occasional bleat from abandoned sheep, there was none. Would the girls even be there?
A faint scuffle sounded from the corner that Lars had rounded, then the sigh of a blade as it met flesh. I tensed and prayed to the gods it wasn't Lars’ flesh that had been separated. Matteus and I ducked around the corner to see Lars slowly lowering a body to the ground. The man's throat gaped, fresh blood staining his front. Lars rooted through his possessions and held up a paper. I took it and read through it quickly, wary of any other hidden men. It was the message from Diego. If the men were still here, then it was likely that the girls were alive. They'd have left by now if not.
'Drunk.' Lars held up a thick glass bottle and wrinkled his nose. 'Sell-swords are all the same.'
I nodded and looked toward the ridge, a stream of smoke rose from a small stone chimney, which spoke of the cottages occupancy.
'Let's go.' The bitter cold bit at my fingers and the tension of not knowing what awaited us set my blood hurtling through my veins, beating rapidly at my throat.
Please be alive.
We stole quickly up around the last craggy rocks, ducking behind them as the cottage came into view.
'Let's hope the other guy is as drunk as his friend.' Matteus grimaced at the cottage and withdrew his blade from its scabbard.
'At six to one, he doesn't stand a chance,' Lars whispered.
'Aye, but if he's drunk he'll attack first, and think of the girls later. If he's sober, he might follow the orders Diego gave him.'
Matteus was right, the girls were at his mercy. If we cornered him, he might take the girls out with him.
'We need to wait,' I said.
'He has orders to kill them when the sun goes down, that won’t be long.'
'I know. But if he is in there with them, they are as good as dead.'
The men nodded their agreement. We each circled around to a rock where we could remain hidden, but surround the cottage. The cold chilled my fingers and stiffened my knees as I waited. I longed to stretch, to walk, to move, but I stayed rooted to the spot, focusing on the stone cottage in the centre of the clearing.
The sun dipped lower, the first amber hues of sunset leaking into the sky as it neared the horizon.Come on.
At last, with a creak, the door swung open, and the man came stomping out.
'Go on then, get it over with,' he growled, pushing a young girl out before him. My breath stilled in my lungs. It was Flora, the younger of the two. Simone had told me she was five, so very young to go through this. Taken from her family and held by ruthless swords-for-hire. Tears striped her muddy cheeks as she reluctantly headed toward my hiding place.
Lars rose from behind his rock and stealthily stole toward the man, but a scree of rock slipped beneath him, alerting him to Lars' presence. In a flash he withdrew his sword and turned to face Lars, swinging with precision toward him.
Flora watched with wide eyes, and I snuck out from behind my rock and slapped my hand over her mouth, dragging her kicking to safety. She writhed and fought in my arms, sinking her teeth into my skin. I gasped through my teeth at the sharp pain but held my hand tight to her mouth, holding her against me and whispering desperately into her ear.
'Flora, calm down. We need to be quiet.' The clash of swords rang out from the clearing. 'I am King Dante, Simone sent me to rescue you. You are safe.'
Her little body went limp in my arms and my hands grew wet beneath a fresh flow of her tears. I reluctantly took my hand away from her mouth, putting my finger over mine to signal silence. I peered over the rock to see Lars engaged in fighting the brute, and Ava's terrified face at the window. This had to end, now.
'Stay down, don't move until I tell you,' I whispered, squeezing Flora's hand. She nodded solemnly and sat with her back to the rock, her head buried in her hands.
I stood up, anger gathering in my chest as I stormed toward the sell-sword, my sword in hand and pent up fury in my muscles. He caught Lars against the ribs and a deep, bloody gash appeared beneath his cut shirt. I dashed toward the man as Lars dropped his sword, certain that I wouldn't reach him before the man ran him through.
A fearsome roar escaped my throat as I charged, and the man turned, eyes wide. His sword diverted from Lars to meet my own, and as the metal clashed, it sent a painful vibration through my taught muscles. I met his every blow, but he was far stronger than I'd suspected. He parried me backwards, toward where Flora lay hidden. I couldn't let him get near her. I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth, forcing my arms to work harder, to attack more ruthlessly. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Matteus leading Ava silently from the cottage, while two of the men pulled Lars to safety. My remaining guard stormed toward us, coming to my aid. The man turned his head as he heard the guard approaching, and I took my chance. My blade caught his sword arm near the shoulder, severing it completely. The limp arm fell to the floor as the man screamed in pain. I winced and stepped back from the blood that splattered the rocks. The man was beaten, falling to his knees and clutching at his shoulder.
The girls were safe.
My men were safe.
'Cauterise it, we need him as a witness against Diego.' I wiped my sword against my breeches and set it back into its scabbard, heading to where I'd left Flora. I scooped her up in my arms and she rested her head against my shoulder as we joined the others.
'Did Simone really send you?' Ava asked. Her face was gaunt with days of starvation, and both girls looked weak and dirty.
'She did.'
A faint smile played on the young girl’s lips. 'I knew she would.'
We made our way back down to the horses, and I sat both girls in front of me on my dappled grey mare. As we set off, the motion lulled both girls into an exhausted sleep. We had a long way to go. We'd stop at the next town for food, rooms and medical attention for Lars and our prisoner. Tomorrow, I'd reunite the girls with Simone, and see if there was a way to salvage what could have been.
Thirty steps. It took twenty steps to cross my room. I knew this because I'd walked the same path from one end until the other for hours. I swallowed the anger that bubbled inside me and closed my eyes, resting my head against the wall.
Please let them be okay.
I'd woken in the middle of the day following Diego's arrest, to Dante gone, and guards waiting to escort me back to my room. I'd heard nothing since. It had been almost two days since he left and each moment ate away at my insides. I should have been there. If they survived, strange men would have met them, rather than me.
Dante hadn’t had me arrested, but confined to my rooms on his order. Whether he thought I'd flee, or he meant to have me tried for my crimes, I didn't know, but it restricted me from asking for any news of the girls. The guards outside my door stayed stony faced and dour in the wake of my desperate queries.
Voices rose outside my door.Dante. The deep timber of his voice sent both a shiver of desire and fear throughout me. It was the moment of truth, either he was here to reunite me with my sisters, or to give me the news of their demise. I wrung my hands and straightened my back, swallowing hard as panic threatened to overwhelm me.
The doors swung open and Dante entered, his face etched with weary lines from his journey. I held my breath when he didn't smile, when no-one followed him, my eyes searching his for any clue as to the girls’ whereabouts.
He turned away and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach, but he held out a hand and a small hand joined his.
Oh god.
Flora walked in the room and Ava followed. Both hearty and whole, if skinny and worn. I dropped to my knees as they dashed into the room, hurtling their arms around my neck with a solid thump. Their bodies were warm and their tears wet upon my cheeks as I held them tight to my chest. Thank heavens, thank the stars, thank everything a
nd anything that brought my sisters back.
'Thank you.' I smiled at Dante through the tears as he hovered near the door.
'I'm so sorry.' My words muffled into the girls’ hair as I pulled them close and buried my face into their hair.
I stroked a hand through Flora‘s tangled hair and kissed Ava's forehead. By gods they'd grown since I'd been away. I wouldn't ever leave them again. Once I returned them to our home, I'd stay and ensure that I wouldn't do anything that affected their safety.My little loves.
'I'm so glad to see you both, I'm so sorry, for everything.'
The girls snuffled in response, and I rose to my feet, tucking them up in my bed with a box of sweet treats. Other than a few days without food and the emotional trauma, they seemed unharmed. I could only pray that in time they would be okay.
Dante touched me lightly on the arm and whispered, 'I must speak with you later, once you have them settled. My sisters will sit with them for you.'
'Do they know?'
He nodded solemnly. 'I explained before I left. They would wonder where Diego was otherwise. Don't worry, they understand why you did what you did.'
'Even I don't truly understand why I did it.'
'Because you love your family. You shouldn't be ashamed about looking out for them. Your actions weren't honourable, but your intentions were.'
I bit my lip as he met my eyes, warring with the longing swirling inside of me.
'I'll send for you, later.'
'Yes, your Majesty.'
He walked away and closed the door softly behind him. I gathered my sisters in my arms and cuddled them, singing softly until both of the girls fell asleep. In exhaustion, I joined them swiftly thereafter.
Nerves and excitement swelled in my chest as I awaited Simone's arrival. Despite everything we'd been through, my heart raced at the mere thought of being alone with her. Dealing with Diego would be next on my list, but I wasn't ready to face it with so much uncertainty between Simone and I. Did she still feel anything for me? Had I served my usefulness to her? Could I convince her to stay?
The decanter of wine called to me, and I poured a glass, swallowing the rich red liquid to calm my nerves. The past two days had exhausted me. If journeying to the ridge had been hard with six hale men and their well-rested steeds, travelling back with two traumatised children, an injured guard and a criminal witness was excruciating. The stops were many and long, and none of us had any clue about how best to approach the girls given what they'd been through.
For a while it seemed like I may need to use Ser Ellerd's expertise once more to extract a confession from the wounded sell-sword, but the promise of not executing him was enough to make him sing like a bird. It greatly relieved me, I hoped to give Sir Ellerd a very easy life and avoid using his services as much as possible; it turned my stomach.
At last the door opened, and the guard admitted Simone.
Her blond locks tumbled about her shoulders, and she wore a scarlet red fitted gown that sent a jolt right to my groin. Her creamy skin glowed in the firelight and the urge to lay my lips across her neck and collarbone pulled at me. She looked hesitant under my gaze, and I held back the desire to scoop her up in my arms and plant a thousand kisses over her.
'Wine?' I asked, pouring two cups and offering one to her. She shook her head and twisted her hands together in front of her.
'No, thank you, your Majesty.'
'You can still call me Dante.' Her formality sent a tingle of apprehension up my spine.
'I... yes, Dante.' She cleared her throat and pulled back her shoulders, her head tilting upwards. 'I'd like to thank you for what you did for my sisters, it wasn't a debt you were due to pay, and now I will forever owe a debt unto you. If there is anything I can do to repay what you have done, say the word.'
It was like a punch to the gut. I didn't want her favours or her promises. I wantedher.
'You owe me nothing, Simone. My brother is the one in the wrong, he blackmailed and coerced you, I don't blame you for his actions.'
'No, but you should blame me for mine. I sought you out to seduce you into bed so I could take your life. That is unforgivable. By letting me live, I already owe you my life.'
I pushed a hand through my hair and closed my eyes. Everything in her words, in the tremble of her voice and the way she held herself back told me she didn‘t want me. It couldn't be. I didn‘t want to let her go.
With four long strides I crossed the room and clasped her hands in mine, locking my eyes onto her face.
'Simone, you told me that the things you felt were more that just using me. That you felt as I did, as I do. Has that changed?'
Her eyes glistened as tears gathered in their corners, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. 'Dante, everything I told you was true. Even now, I crave your touch. But these past few days have gone swiftly, and you haven't had the chance to process what I've done. I am sure once you do, you won't be able to look at me the way you once did. Every time you see a scar upon your brother’s skin, or fall asleep at my side, you would wonder whether you were safe, and remember my crimes against you. I cannot live like that.'
No. She had to see. None of it mattered to me.
I grasped her in my arms and set my mouth on hers, kissing her with a longing and a pent up frustration that had gripped me for days. Her mouth was sweet and hot and I never wanted to taste anyone but her for as long as I lived. She moaned into my mouth as my tongue claimed her own and kissed me back with a furious passion. Her hands wove into my hair and I slammed her back against the door, my hands searching for her skin, needing to feel her beneath all the fabric. She responded with a gasp as my hand slid up her thigh and found the round swell of her ass.
And then she tore herself away. Pushed me back and shook her head, her breath ragged upon her kiss bruised lips.
'No Dante. I cannot do this. I cannot. I'm sorry.'
I grasped her fingers in mine, my eyes pleading with her as my voice lowered to a growl. 'I love you, Simone. If you need time, I will wait.'
'Don't. Please.'
'I will.' I would wait until she was ready, she thought it was me who needed the time, but it wasn't, her guilt was eating away at her. If time and distance were what she needed, then that's what I'd give her, however much it pained me to do so. But giving up on her was not an option. She would be mine. 'You can run from me, you can try to tell yourself that I am mistaken, but I love you Simone, and I will follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to.'
'I'm leaving, I'm taking my sisters’ home and I am staying with them. I have spent too long at the mercy of men's folly, and it's brought me nothing but heartache. I cannot be yours Dante. You need a queen, a virgin, someone respectable to share your reign with. I am hated in court, and your family know of what I have done. This is not a home for me Dante.'
She turned away from me and fled for the door, but I reached forward and grabbed her hand, spinning her to face me. My voice was rocky and my stomach roiling at the thought of letting her go. 'I will come for you. In three months time. I don't care what anyone else thinks or does, I care about us. Love is too precious a thing to throw to the wind.'
And with that she left me.
I dearly hoped that she would change her mind, but it was with a heavy heart that I resigned myself. I thought loving so intently that losing your partner turned you mad was the worst thing that could happen. I was wrong. Not getting the chance to have that love was far worse.
Three months. When the frosts of winter gave way to the new hope of spring, I would track her down, and I would make her my wife.
I stood up with a new determination in my soul. I would wait for her to be ready, but first I had to deal with the problems in my palace.
And the biggest of those was my brother.
With a heavy heart I set out to see him and see the damage he‘d had inflicted at my command.
Diego lay on the coarse wooden cot at the far side of the small,
dark room. The walls were damp with mildew and a scurrying spoke of rodents lurking unseen. The tall, charming man I knew lay crumpled into a tumble of bloodied limbs and ragged clothes. Disgust roiled in my guts at what my actions, his actions, Simone's actions had brought us to.
'Why did you do it Diego?'
I didn't expect an answer, I couldn't tell if he was even conscious with his back to me. I sat on the lone chair near the window and buried my head in my hands. My brother wanted me dead and my lover didn’t want me at all. My closest friend, my sister, married and moved to a kingdom so far away that a letter wouldn't reach her for weeks. Loneliness crept around me like quicksand, pulling heavily at my legs and compressing my chest until my breath felt laboured.
Diego shifted on the cot, rolling over with a wince and mouth gritted into a pained line. He drew a sharp breath and hoisted him set to sitting, his dark eyes dull.
'I told you why I did it. I had no choice.'
'Will you do it again?'
'Yes, even now, with my body bloodied and battered, if I feel the urge to murder you. I can't help it, it's a compulsion, the deepest I've ever felt. If you remember the feeling of being compelled to kiss your first girl, or to take a woman to bed or to best a foe in battle, none even come close to the burning need to see you dead.'
His words cut me. My brother desires that intimately to slay me, and even now, after being tortured and caged he doesn't repent.
'What am I going to do?'
'If I were you, I'd have me killed. You will never be safe otherwise. I cannot switch this off. Until one of us is dead, I will be cursed to haunt you.' Sorrow tinged his voice as the last words tumbled quietly from his mouth. Despite his words, it gave me a faint glimmer of hope. He was in there, somewhere, and whatever they had done to him could surely be reversed. I may have to keep him locked up for two months or twenty years, but I would get him back.Somehow.