The King and the Coquette Read online

Page 6

  Waited for the chance to kill me, without drawing suspicion to himself.

  Alessandra was pregnant and thousands of miles away in Moriel, he would have to serve as regent until she returned, and when she did, heavens knows what he would have planned to take her out.

  ‘It’s Diego, isn’t it?’ Simone’s face paled to a chalky grey, and her jaw worked despite no words coming forth.

  ‘The rat-bastard! He’s my brother. My family. Betrayed by both of you in one night.’

  I picked up a goblet of wine and launched it against the wall in a moment of blind rage.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Simone sobbed on the bed, burying her face into her drawn-up knees. ‘Please Dante, please help my sisters. I don’t care what happens to me, but I need your help for them.’

  I grasped the dagger and slid it between her wrists, cutting the bindings that held her. ‘Get your dress on. We will see my brother.’

  Tearing open the door I shouted at my guards. They glanced at Simone pulling her dress on and the dagger in my fist with raised eyebrows.

  ‘Find my brother, take him to the torture chamber. Do it quietly, I don’t want tongues wagging before I’ve had the chance to speak with him. And make sure you take him alive. The snake may have poisons hidden in his clothing, so discard those too.’

  The guards nodded their acceptance and started toward the door.

  ‘Get Ser Ellerd, have him meet me there.’

  The guard flinched as I named my father’s chief torturer. As yet I’d not had need of him during my rule. I desperately hoped that I wouldn’t need him now, and that Diego would volunteer the girls’ location before harm came to him.

  Simone clutched her dress to her breast and shook like a leaf in the fall breeze.

  ‘You.’ I pointed at her with the dagger. ‘You are coming with me.’

  We walked down the halls, fading from eloquent and rich to musty and dank as we neared the dungeons below the palace, the pain from her betrayal began to fray at my edges. Despite my anger at Diego, and my hurt at her murderous intent, it was her casual use of me to get close that hurt the most. I understood her reasons, I’d have done the same to save my sisters, but it didn’t ease the ache any in knowing so.

  As her penance, she would have to witness the consequences of her actions. If she’d confided in me weeks ago, during those first moments we stole together, then her sisters would have been safe, and Diego would have been behind bars. Instead, she’d attempted regicide, and he’d taken her sisters, and both of them had broken my heart.

  Perhaps I’d been a fool to fall so easily into her trap, but the burning ache to be around her was real.

  And now I had to face my younger brother, not as a wrestling opponent or in sword training, but as the person behind an assassination attempt. I loved him. I hoped this wouldn’t be the thing to break me.

  We stood before the door to the chamber, flaming torches set on either side.

  A manic laugh erupted from within the dank space and with a trembling hand, I entered.


  I followed Dante into the torture chamber as a monstrous chill gripped me to the core. On the wall hung various implements of solid wood and gleaming metal, none of which I wanted to see in action. The room was lit with a series of flickering lanterns, the orange glow dancing across the metallic weapons. A steady drip of water on stone resonated throughout the chamber along with Diego's erratic breathing.

  I let my eyes fall on him, the man who orchestrated everything. He'd been drinking at the feast, and was still under the wine‘s influence, bleary-eyed and pale faced upon the chair that held him strapped tight. If the gods be willing, perhaps the wine would loosen his tongue before the torturer did. His eyes locked onto mine as he let out a low snarl, he looked more like a caged wolf than a man.

  'So you couldn't do it then? Useless. I should have done it myself.' I flinched at his voice, deep and gravelled, and tinging on the edge of madness. The calm, calculating Diego had disappeared.

  'She tried.' Dante grabbed a chair and set it before Diego, slumping on to it with a sigh. I shrank back against the door, wishing to be anywhere but there. I had to know if he would reveal my sisters' whereabouts, and as Dante pointed out, I had to face the consequences of my mistakes.

  I glanced at Dante, my stomach flopping as the realisation of what just happened hit me. I had tried to kill the king. Our ruler. I was an idiot. Why hadn't I gone to him? It hadn't felt like a choice I had, would he believe me over his own flesh and blood? Why would he give a damn about my sisters? But now that I knew him to be a good man, I knew he would have listened and helped us. Even after holding a knife to his throat, he was there extracting information from his brother for me. He could have thrown us both in the dungeon and left us to rot. His father would have. But not Dante, his heart was bigger than ever he'd know.

  'She didn't try hard enough.'

  'Where are the girls?' Dante's voice was firm. 'If you tell me now, I can get them and it will be one less thing held against you.'

  'Who cares? They aren't worth worrying about. She knew the cost of her failure.’

  'Diego, please? I don't want to hurt you, I don't know what happened since you left Latania, but this is not you. Just tell us where they are and let the girls go. They are only children.'

  Diego's eyes left Dante and settled upon me, they roved from my hastily fastened dress, to my knotted hair and a nasty grin crossed his face. 'So your reputation as a royal bed warmer holds up, if not your reputation as a killer. I hope spreading your legs was worth your sweet sisters' lives.'

  Heat crept up to my cheeks at his words, but I didn't lower my eyes. The monster couldn’t shame me. 'Your plan has been foiled Diego. I tried, tell me where they are.'

  A glint shone in his eyes and he sat up in the seat as best as his restraints would allow. His eyes snapped back to Diego and a wicked sneer twisted his lips. 'Do you know why I went away after father's death? Didn't he tell you I would go? He sent me on an errand, dear brother. He knew you weren't fit to rule, that you weren't a strong enough man to lead a kingdom into greatness. He wanted me to rule, but there was the small issue of you and Alessandra to remove first. He had intended to have you both eliminated, but unfortunately, his time ran out. He sent me to see a necromancer, one who would set my rise to the throne in motion. Initially, I didn't feel any different, I wanted to abide by father's wishes, but I didn't want to end your lives. Every mile I travelled closer to Latania brought on a new urge, a desire to see you dead. I tried turning back, but for every step I took away from home, it felt like a thousand needles piercing my skin. There was no choice, I had to come home or the pain the spell inflicted would have driven me to throw myself from a cliff. But to be around you is to wish you dead, to dream of your blood upon the floor and your body in the crypt.'

  Dante's voice was a whisper amongst the stillness. 'Why now? Why Simone?'

  'You were a fool to let Alessandra marry a traitor, I tried to ignore the compulsions for a time but instead of proving your worth, you showed me that everything father thought of you was true. You were weak, she embarrassed you publicly, yet you sent her and her lover to bed together instead of punishment then gifted them a royal wedding. I tried so hard to keep Alessandra here, killing her would be much harder from afar.'

  'And Simone?' Dante spoke through gritted teeth, his jaw tense and the veins in his neck standing out angrily.

  'I needed a scapegoat. Someone who could get close to you. Someone sweet and innocent, yet whore enough to want to get in your bed without a marriage proposal. I also needed someone who could go through with it, and she was desperately trying to keep her murderous blunder out of the gossip's mouths.'

  I bit my tongue, now wasn't the time to argue over my dignity, I needed him to name the place.

  'But then she fell for you and ruined it all. For now, at least.'

  Dante's shoulders stiffened and his fist clenched at his side. 'Tell me where they are.'
br />   'They are as good as dead, you'd never make it in time.' Diego grinned at me and my heart sank, there had to be time. 'Better get ready to tell Daddy, little bird.'

  The room spun around me and I closed my eyes, steadying myself against the door. It couldn't be over, he'd promised I'd have until morning. 'You said that if I'd done it by morning, you would free them.'

  'Well, Simone, I lied.'


  There had to be a way to save them.

  Dante's voice punctuated the tense silence that ensued. 'Ellerd. Start with the fingers.'

  The torturer, Ellerd, who'd stood silent awaiting his instructions, began to move his vast frame over to where Diego sat. There was nothing harried about the man, he was in no rush to obey the king as fast as possible, taking his time to let his eyes slide over his plethora of torturous implements.

  Dante gulped audibly and shook his head. 'I don't want him maimed, if we can avoid it.'

  Diego let out another manic laugh, the high screech undulating in the cavernous room. 'Can't even torture right, Father will turn in his grave.'

  Ellerd moved behind Diego, grasping one finger and without even a moment's hesitation, he snapped it back. A loud crack reverberated and Diego paled, his body shuddering in protest as he held back a scream. Vomit welled in my throat and I screwed my eyes shut, breathing deeply and counting to ten in my head.

  Good lord, I hoped he’d cave soon, I couldn't stomach it.

  The sound of a chair scraping had me peeking out from under my eyelids. Dante approached Diego and laid a hand on his brother's shoulder. 'Please, Diego, no more. Say the word and we will go. This can be over.'

  Clarity shone briefly in Diego's face, and it was like a veil lifted for a moment, but it swooped back down almost as quickly. Diego spat at Dante and laughed again.

  'All this for that used upwhore? Really, Dante, I'd have thought better even of you. You've dipped your stick in her honey pot, what more could you possibly gain? You don't give a damn about two children you've barely heard of. Send her home with her tail between her readily spread legs.'


  Diego's head shook and his mouth gaped as Ellerd seized another finger, breaking it as swiftly as the first. I flinched at the sound and dug my fingers into the rough wood behind me. Diego let out a strangled cry and sweat beaded on his forehead. Still, he didn't give in.

  'Give us the place, damn it!' Dante stalked from one side of the room to the other, his fists clenched and a matching paleness to Diego's in his face.


  Tear's streaked my cheeks as Ellerd broke another finger. The air was stifling, and I was close to vomiting, I couldn't stay, no matter what Dante had demanded. I should never have come to his court, I should never have pursued Dante and I shouldn‘t have fallen for him. Regret tumbled through me hard and fast as I leaned heavily against the door, the floor swirling dizzily before me.

  My darling sisters.

  Ava and Flora.


  A strong hand grasped my arm, steadying me against it. Dante was warm and good and whole against me, and it pained me to take comfort where I didn't deserve it.

  'Come, Simone. We will leave Ellerd to his work. He will get the name, and I will be ready to ride out as soon as he does. Wewill save them.'

  I took a final glance at Diego, sat rigid in his bonds with his eyes moon-wide as Ellerd perused the pain inducing wall of his toys.

  'Ellerd, do whatever is necessary. If there is any of him left after, have him locked in a dungeon at the base of the palace, and well guarded. I will deal with him later.'

  The man nodded, no expression on his face. Yet when he turned to Diego, a flicker of a deadly smile crossed his lips. He looked like a viper ready to feast upon long awaited prey.

  Dante took my hand and led me from the room, the cold air in the passage much needed on my face. We scurried away from the chamber until a blood-curdling scream tore after us, rooting us to the spot. Dante stiffened next to me and I laced my fingers into his, pulling him away from the terrible place. It would do neither of us any good to hear Ellerd at his work.

  We didn't stop moving until we pushed our way out of the doors leading to the rose garden. I didn't revel in the beauty of the flowers, or indulge in their sweet scent. I guided Dante to a bench and sat beside him as we adjusted to all that had happened.

  'I'm sorry,' I whispered.

  He didn't answer me, but when I glanced to my right, I saw silent tears upon his cheeks. He stared straight ahead, and when I tried to place a hand on his arm, he flinched and pulled away.

  We both needed comfort, but what I had done was too despicable to seek forgiveness. He had had to give the word to have his brother tortured to save my little sisters, and it had broken him to do it.

  I broke him.

  I broke us.


  Hours had passed since I had left my brother in Ellerd's hands, and each moment brought me deeper into misery. If Ellerd kept going, there wouldn‘t be much of my brother left to help. No man was invincible, and despite his wrongs, I didn't want him to die.

  Whatever had happened with the necromancer, whether magic was real or otherwise, Diego believed that a curse had affected him and compelled him to act. Perhaps there would be a way to reach him by finding someone to undo it. If he lived.

  I sat on the edge of my bed, where only hours before I'd been making love to Simone. All my desires had come true, and for a brief time in her arms, I'd been a man made whole. It was all a lie. She claimed that she felt the things I felt for her, but if she had, there was no way she'd have taken a knife to my throat. My fingers instinctively touched at the point where the knife had grazed my skin. She had been so close. They'd have had her killed on discovering the murder, there wasn't a possibility that she could have killed me and lived. The guards knew she was the only one in my chambers. She'd attempted it knowing it would be the end of her, and me, to save her sisters. If it hadn't been my life on the line, I'd have respected the fierce loyalty she must have for her family. Few people would take someone's life and give their own for another.

  Simone slept curled up on the couch, her blond hair spilling out around her. Dark circles marred the delicate skin under her eyes, and she was paler than I‘d seen her. Tonight had taken its toll on her too. What was I going to do with her? I should have her imprisoned, but knowing the reasons behind her folly, I was remiss to do so. Diego used his position and leverage to twist her into feeling like she had no choice. It didn't make it right, but I couldn't fault her desperation either.

  I loved her, still.

  A soft knock jolted me from my seat and I stepped outside the door, nodding at the head of my personal guard, Matteus. 'What news?'

  'The girls are at death ridge, half a day if we ride hard.'

  'Ellerd is sure?'

  'Yes, your Majesty.' Matteus knitted his eyebrows as he nodded. 'He said there was no doubt.'

  'The horses are ready?'

  'Yes, your Majesty.'

  'Then let's make haste.'

  'Should I wake Lady Simone?'

  I shook my head and started toward the doors. 'No, we don't know what we'll find, Diego may have had them killed, so they weren't a nuisance. I think he'd capable of just about anything.'

  The guard bowed and followed me. I glanced at the door to my chamber where Simone slept beyond. She would want to come, but it was a kindness that she did not. If her sisters came back unscathed, the relief would outweigh anger. If bodies were all that we returned with, her presence would have made no difference.

  I sincerely hoped that it would be the former, but steeled myself for the worst.

  The riding was hard on the horses and ourselves. The five men who surrounded me were the very best, my personal king’s guard, and I trusted them with my life. Diego had said that two sell swords guarded the girls, but that both were fearsome men who wouldn't flinch at killing a child. He'd instructed them to kill and flee if th
ey saw anything amiss, so we'd have to approach on foot when we neared the shepherd's cottage where they were imprisoned.

  Ten hours in the saddle had given me a lot of thinking time at least. If I could save the girls, perhaps Simone and I could be together. Could we get past this? It was a crazy thought, one that I should discard immediately, but I could not. I didn't want to imagine my life without her in it. Despite everything, I still wanted to be with her. I was a fool, Diego was right, but if it took foolishness to feel the heady heights I felt around Simone, then they call me the court jester already.

  'How is Diego?' I finally steeled myself to ask. No one had volunteered the information.

  Matteus cleared his throat and glanced at the guards before answering. 'Not good, your majesty.'

  'He will live?' I held my breath.

  'Yes... but it will scar him. They will set the broken bones, but it's not to say they will heal well, there will be a lot for the body to heal at once.'

  'My god.' Oh Diego, how could things go so wrong? It sickened me to have been the one to give the order which would leave my brother in horrendous pain, and scarred for life. Guilt welled in the pit of my stomach.

  We didn't speak for some time, just rode onwards in bitter silence.

  Matteus whistled as we approached the ridge, a high barren rocky summit with dizzying heights and deathly drops. The boulders and cliffs that made a maze over the ridge were a deep, jagged assortment of black, menacing rock. There were many places to hide and seek cover, but while that may provide us with some element of protection, equally it protected our assailants. Turning a corner could mean meeting one’s maker, if someone more prepared laid in wait. We dismounted and secured our horses to a thicket of trees at the entrance to the stoney approach that awaited us.

  One of my younger guards, Lars, was a master of stealth. I'd paid a high price to hire him from one of the vast nations to our north, where he served their royal family. He was worth it. He headed up the front, with myself and Matteus behind him, and the rest of our party behind us. My heart hammered in my chest as we made the ascent through the corridors of stone, Lars signalling to us to follow once he'd staked out the way.