The King and the Coquette Read online

Page 4

  ‘Come children, I’ve arranged for you to sit near me, but you must be on your best behaviour, and you may only stay a little while. The feast isn’t really for children.’

  ‘Will we be sitting beside the king?’ Edward was doing his best to speak in his best upper class accent, and it broke my heart.

  ‘No, we shall be on his table though, and that’s exciting.’

  ‘But you were kissing him, wouldn’t he want you near him?’

  My eyes all but popped out of their sockets at Mary’s exclamation. I crouched beside her and put my finger to my lips. ‘The king and I were just playing pretend, part of a story. You mustn’t mention such things around the grown-ups, they wouldn’t understand my stories.’

  She nodded solemnly and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. ‘I’m sorry, Lady Simone.’

  ‘No need to be sorry, it’ll just be our secret. Now shall we take a seat?’ The children nodded eagerly and clung to my hands as we made our way through the growing number of courtiers. Everyone dressed in bespoke dresses and finery; and never had I seen more frills and flounces, more bead work and embroidery, and more decolletage. My dress was uncomfortably revealing, commissioned by Diego to ensure that I didn’t fail in my seduction tonight. The material was so dark it was near black, with shimmering golden beads sewn to stress every curve. It dipped scandalously low at the neckline and cinched in terribly tight at the waist. My servant had twisted my hair into a clever knot which could be let down with the removal of one pin, but looked both intricate and excessive enough for the feast. I hoped that Dante couldn’t resist my advances. My sister’s lives depended on it. If only he’d been a cruel or hard man, it would have made things so much simpler.

  He wasn’t cruel or hard though. He was wonderful. Charming and courteous, conflicted but kind. I desperately wished there was another way, so I could explore the stirring deep inside of me. Not the lust or arousal that he brought crashing into me whenever we touched, but that he seemed to fill the cracks in my soul just right whenever he was near. I was falling in love with him, despite myself.

  We took our seats at the table and giggled with one another as the surrounding chairs filled up. Many nobles threw distasteful looks our way, both at our seats being in a close position to the throne, and because I’d brought some servant’s kids to the feast. Well, blow them. If I can’t make a child’s night then what is the point of all these grand shenanigans?

  At long last a horn sounded the king’s arrival. We stood as he came down the lavishly decorated stairs and headed to his throne. His fingers grazed against my hand ever so briefly as he walked past us, and it took a great deal of acting to stop the surprise registering in my face. It could look like an accident, but to the wrong pair of eyes it would be juicy gossip.

  It was enough to turn my legs to jelly and my cheeks to a fiery pink, and I smiled down at the table despite myself.

  The king took his seat to great fanfare and the rest of us followed suit to the rumble of hundreds of chairs grating on the stone floors. The servants laid great platters of meats cooked in fruits and spices, sugared nuts, candied fruits and elaborately decorated piesbefore us. The wine glasses were never empty. The children and I ate with wonder until we couldn’t fit another bite into us. To watch them eating such splendid foods, giggling and exclaiming about the wonderful tastes, warmed my heart. I may not have the chance to take my own sisters to a feast after tonight, so this was the best I could do in their stead. I’d give anything to have them here in my arms once more, but saving them would be enough.

  Mary suddenly gave a loud shriek, jumping to her feet and bouncing excitedly.

  ‘I found the bean! I found the King’s bean.’

  Edward grabbed her into a cuddle and bounced along with her. ‘You get to be king for the night!’

  A grumble of annoyance came from around the table. The king’s bean was a much sought-after prize, giving the finder a chance to rule for the evening. For a child to win it was almost preposterous, but I must admit it made me smile. If anyone in this room deserved to win such a fine game, it was these underprivileged children.

  ‘Well done, Mary. What a fine prize.’

  She held the black bean that had hidden in the bread in one tiny palm and grinned up with her gap-toothed smile.

  ‘You’d best show his Highness.’

  Dante took the interruption in good stead, standing and bowing deeply to Mary while taking his crown off and setting it upon her head. Thankfully, it was one of the lesser crowns used in feasts and affairs of state, her head would never have taken the weight of the regal crown.

  ‘Your majesty, what is mine is yours.’ He bowed and offered her his throne, with an exaggerated flick of his hand.

  ‘But, where will you sit?’ She asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

  ‘In your seat.’ Then his eyes met mine and a surge of longing shot through me. He would sit next to me, it was the chance I both longed for and feared. A prickle shot through me and I looked to the left, where Diego’s eyes bored into me. A reminder. A threat.

  I swallowed as Dante sat down beside me and grinned.

  ‘Lady Simone, what an unexpected pleasure.’

  Muttering and stares thrummed around us, but Dante either didn’t notice, or didn’t care. None of it would matter tomorrow. I had to seduce him, tonight.

  ‘Your Highness, the pleasure is all mine.’ I glanced at him through my lashes with a small smile.

  He reached forward and took a large sticky sweet bun from the centre of the table, breaking it apart and offering a piece to me. I shook my head but watched his strong fingers, covered in the sugar syrup, as he tore open the sticky dough. A desperate desire to grasp his hand and suck each of his fingers crossed my mind, and I wriggled in my seat. Never had a man had such an effect on me. I wasn’t sure who was seducing who; he didn’t seem to try, but he was succeeding regardless.

  The hours wore on as the feast passed and the performers took up their roles in a hilarious play, eventually the evening descended into music and dancing.

  Occasional touches, seeminglyaccidental, from Dante had driven my into a fluster beside him. The memory of his lips on mine, and his hands exploring me were clouding over my terrible mission. In another world, I would very much liked to have pursued a relationship with him.

  Mary slouched sleepily in the large throne with her brother, the evening’s festivities proving too much. I instructed a servant to find their mother and excuse her for the evening to come and take them to bed. With my young wards gone, I could focus solely on Dante.

  ‘Would you care to dance, Lady Simone?’

  Pairings of men and women filled the floor, turning and clapping, bouncing and laughing. A quick-paced dance filled with fun. One dance wouldn’t hurt…

  ‘It would be an honour, your Majesty.’

  I took up the position across from Dante, ready to join him in the adventurous dance, when the musicians slowed their song, setting everyone to a slower, more intimate pace. Dante seized me by the hand and the waist and pulled me in close as we danced. His breath tickled my temple, and I rested one hand on his muscular chest, feeling it flex beneath my touch. It is said that dancing is but one step from sex, and with the right partner, perhaps it is true.

  Every inch of me thrummed with longing, and when I looked up into Dante’s eyes I saw that same hunger reflecting back at me. It was more than just the physical; he was a good man, kind and charming, trying to do the best in the situation he’d found himself. And bitter jealousy from Diego would be his ruin.

  ‘I’ve longed to have you in my arms once more, Simone.’

  I dropped my eyes and leaned into his chest. My stomach roiled, heavy with a tangle of emotions.

  I should run.

  I should hide.

  I should tell him.

  But I couldn’t. My sisters were innocent, and I had to save them.

  Dizziness overwhelmed me and I stumbled against Dante. Concern crossed his face as he
caught my in his strong arms and steadied me. People stared, and the room was spinning. I needed to get out.

  ‘I can’t… too hot… need to leave.’

  Dante waved off the people who started toward us and scooped me into his arms. I should have been mortified, but a tranquility seeped from every part of him that touched me.

  ‘Do you want me to take you to your room?’

  ‘Can we go to yours? It’s closer?’

  His lips grazed my forehead. ‘Yes, we can.’


  She was feather light, her head resting against my chest as I carried her to my chambers. Simone. Finally in my arms, and I’d get her alone to talk to her without prying eyes.

  Just talk.

  Talking wasn’t what my body desired. Every part of me ached to indulge in Simone, to touch her, taste her, make her writhe in pleasure beneath my fingers.

  But talking is what my head needed. Was this just an infatuation, or was there something deeper simmering between us? The quickening of my heart and the goosebumps which stole up my arms whenever I saw her told me there was more to it than craving her acquaintance in bed.

  The guards opened the door to my chambers, with another pair on each of the succession of doors that finally led to my inner bedroom. It was the one place on this earth that was truly mine. No one could enter when I withdrew to it, and no one would dare disturb me unless it was an emergency.

  Simone and I, alone at last.

  I laid her on the plush couch that sat against the end of my bed and instructed a guard to find someone to bring us some sweets and wine.

  Simone was quiet, pensive, her body like a bow pulled taught with an arrow. Was it being here? Did she feel like I was rushing her into something?

  ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘Better, thank you, your Highness. It was just so hot in there.’ She sat up and smiled at me, and all at once it felt like the sun had risen in the room.

  ‘You can call me Dante here.’

  A pinkness gathered in her cheeks and she nodded.

  The servant arrived with a tray of rich cakes and sugared nuts, fruits and wine, and we set about eating while we spoke.

  ‘Did the winter festival live up to your expectations?’ I popped a small sticky ginger cake in my mouth and sat next to Simone on the couch, hoping that the closeness wouldn’t frighten her off. Much to my relief she relaxed back in the seat, letting the tenseness leave her for a time.

  ‘It was magical. The candles, the flowers, the food, the music. It was all on such a grand scale.’ She blinked up at me through thick lashes and bit her lip before continuing. ‘You must think me silly, you’ve seen many winter festivals, and here’s me fawning over it like a child.’

  I reached out and slid a thumb over the back of her hand. ‘I think you are anything but silly. I think you are wonderful. You stepped out of the line to which the nobility follow so closely and made the evening magical for those children. You’ve adventured farther than most of the ladies and lords at court, you’ve lived and lost and learned. That is something with makes you even more fascinating in my eyes.’

  Her breath left her mouth in a sighing exhale and her eyes met my own, searching them for something. ‘Are you just saying this to seduce me? No man wants a used woman, unless it’s just as a plaything to discard.’

  ‘No. I am king, Simone, if I wanted to have a woman in my bed for the night I could give out the command and have my pick. While you arouse my passions, it’s more than that. I want to be around you, to talk to you, walk with you, dance with you. I think about what you are doing and wish I could join you. I am a man bewitched. I don’t want you to be a mistress, or a one-night affair. I want to court you, in all senses of the word.’

  Her face was hard to read, and fear gripped me. Had I said too much? I couldn’t help it, I didn’t know when next I’d get the chance to talk with her and I needed her to hear it. I needed to say it. I was falling for Simone and this was my chance.

  ‘You didn’t want your sister to be with a lord, you said only royalty was acceptable for a royal marriage.’ Her voice trembled, and she sat up stock straight.

  ‘I was a fool. Diego had poisoned me against anything but perfection for my siblings and I, but when Alessandra fell in love with Aryn, and was willing to sacrifice everything for him, I learned that I erred. Love isn’t found easily in a marriage of convenience, nor restricted to the classes. Love, real love, is messy, and fraught with complications. I am king, if I can’t choose love where I find it, then who can?’

  ‘What about your worries about ending up like your father?’

  ‘My father was never a good man, it’s taken me a long time to realise that. Though my mother’s death unhinged his worse self, the self before then was never just or wise. It was a lesser form of the monster which her loss wouldunleash. I am not my father. And choosing to embrace life and love in all its terror is what I am doing. I am a man maddened by your presence, I am falling for you Simone. Whilst it may be a little soon for declarations of undying love, I see a future with you, here in court.’

  Her face paled before me and I cursed my loose mouth. Damn it Dante, she barely knows you. Temper the fire!

  And then as I waited with bated breath, colour flooded back into her cheeks and she reached up and stroked a finger over my lips. A shudder of desire ran through me as I willed my body to stay still, to see where she was going with this.

  ‘You are right Dante, you are not like the man your father was, you are a good man, and a good king. Will you allow me to spend tonight showing you how I feel about you? Join me in passion and desire?’

  She spoke so boldly that I pausedfor a moment whilst what she said sank in.

  ‘Is that truly what you desire?’

  ‘More than anything.’

  ‘Then I will more than just allow it.’

  I pressed forward and pinned her beneath me on the couch, my lips tauntingly close to her own. Finally, she was mine, and I would show her a night which she’d never wish to end. I’d have her want to be nowhere but in my arms forever.

  My breath hitched as she squirmed beneath me, the tightly boned corset making her chest blossom beneath her neck with every breath. I wanted to make her wait for that first kiss, so I ran my lips along her collarbone as she sighed and squirmed on the couch. Her hands found their way into my hair and she attempted to pull me to her lips, but she could pull all she liked, I wanted her desperate for every touch.

  The moan she gave when my teeth grazed her neck sent a wave of desire to my crotch, stiffening me instantly. From her blonde tresses to her silky skin, I wanted to indulge in every part of her. The dress was so dark that her skin gleamed next to it, begging for my kisses, but the tiny golden beads sewn into it were infuriatingly scratchy. I needed to get it off. I reached around to her stays and began to unfasten them when her body went rigid beneath me.

  ‘The beads…’ I whispered into her ear before she slid out from under me.

  ‘Let me, there is a lot to undo.’

  She stood before me, the firelight dancing on the beads as her hands slipped behind her and worked at the stays. The sudden change in her demeanour had thrown me off guard, but perhaps she just liked to undress herself. Shame, the thought of tearing the dress off was appealing. At last the dress loosened, and she bit her lip as her hands held the chest piece to her breasts. Ever so slowly she let the vast array of material slip from her fingers revealing her to me. She had foregone the usual undergarments because of the revealing cut of the dress and stood before me in only a petticoat. The dress hit the floor with a loud thunk, but I hadn’t the time to think about how heavy the dress must have been. I needed to kiss her. Now.

  I strode toward her and drew her against my chest, determined to have her. God she was beautiful. He skin was as soft as I had imagined it to be. I ran my fingers down her spine and grinned as she pressed into me. I reached up into her hair and found the ornate clip that held it up, releasing it an
d letting her hair tumble free. It cascaded down her shoulder in a waterfall of blond. I groaned as my breeches became even tighter around the groin. If she was beautiful in all of her finery, she was magnificent without it. It made her more real to see her like this, stripped of the trappings of nobility. A raw, and uncut diamond.

  I cupped her jaw and tipped her face toward mine, taking her lips with my own. Promise fuelled the kiss, along with hesitation and longing,and I enjoyed the sweetness of that first kiss of the night. Her arms snaked up around my neck, her naked breasts pressing against my clothed chest. I reached down and pushed the petticoat over the swell of her hips until it slid to the floor, revealing her to me in her entirety. With a fierceness I could no longer contain I reclaimed her mouth and kissed her hungrily, letting any last semblance of propriety go. I was like a man dehydrated where she was a pool of sweet water. The sweetest water.

  I drove my fingers into her hair as she kissed me back with desperate abandon, and when she moaned into my mouth, I could contain it no longer. I picked her up against me, spreading her thighs around my waist and carried her to the bed, throwing her down onto it and letting my eyes rove greedily over her exposed body as I stripped my own. I needed to feel her skin against mine, and would have torn my clothes to shreds to be near her if I could. With my clothes discarded I joined her on the bed, she moved to sit upon me, ready to take me into her but I shook my head and smiled wickedly.

  ‘No, no. Not yet. First, I need to taste every part of you.’

  ‘Oh god…’

  I didn’t let her finish, tipping her off of my hips and onto the bed. Crawling toward her I was like a wolf, finally catching its prey. I kissed her hard as my hands explored her body, tracing rivers of desire along her stomach and chest, her hips and thighs. Her nipples stood to firm knots, and I sucked one into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it in a promise of what was to come. The way her back arched and her fingers clenched at the blankets made my cock skim my stomach.